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Poems / Poetry

Page : 14

Wind pārkliedzies and slow dziest.
It cools the potatoes on the table,
When snauž owner and does not come guest.
Wind goes out pašapcerē sweet.

He has arrived in the world
Not only because the air is twisted
And the night was mixed with morning
No, the wind will also suffer.

He works all apdarītu,
He could kliest clouds,
But the wind can break the ring:
As a person that will suffer.
[ Poetry ]
are hostile silence,
easy to buy you out.
Noise is poor,
he had nothing to give.
On his jeans
sudrabņopes not -
for silence
Life is so novergots.
[ Poetry ]
We went again. Where to? It is God alone will tell
If not - then ask each driver
Any swamp meet, he will know.
We walked through the water and sand
By its smooth, dense fog along the way,
And it seemed strange that we make it - life - go
By the way what can only go shadow.
We have seen time and space absorbs
As a giant blotch. Every moment was a broad,
Without borders, without the sky, a mine-free,
Spring and fell through the winter,
Ieziedēja autumn and winter.
This time salkums. . . Facilities stingy bread
We aching gums, lips and was opened
The last word, the word tangible:
Although the drop time - sprinkle lips,
Although the drop calendar time our tongues. . .
[ Poetry ]

Once pēcnieks land will be opened,
And we\'ll cultural layer.

Under the apple trees and clans,
Among the skyscrapers suķēm,
We gulsim archaeological
And let us be without flowers.

Then nezīlēs longer pēcnieks long,
How is this layer cultured.

We are given some stretches,
Where atkailots have everything. . .
Must be able to settle the land -
Like the mist on the earth.
[ Poetry ]

Bushy, bushy black night,
Moon Boat Want to midsummer.
Again, I will dig for himself.
Izrakšos - as Rīgpalīgu.

Kulsies, kulsies sun butter
I urge urge tools.
Again, I will kliests winds.
Pulcēšos - with Rīgpalīgu.

God is with iodine Cards beat
Since the celestial tables spigot.
Life Riga onto your hand is in progress,
Passes - without godspeed.
[ Poetry ]
leave a footnote at the clock and allowing it to quietly branches
flowers while sitting in chairs and do not want to go underground
even us in the eyes when the sun shines loud burst evening
and even the moon is driven into muteness as rowan pole
[ Poetry ]
I live life i
[ Poetry ]
No longer do not add to the life of uncooked,
Here\'s sudrabpannā unbaked case
What smells so nepamācoši and stiff,
Tendons that dare not teach you -
You, knights poetry, aesthetics pāžiem,
Who come here with forks and knives.
[ Poetry ]
you again petals bricks
Reibušu crash in the forehead,
Just know: either of these runners
Floral wall ierij for life.
[ Poetry ]
long uzkavējos
in all the world\'s winds
without running track winds
more time with them
but the space the old tracks
will flourish and blossom wilt
I got out of the winds
and space uzkavējos
the waiting room
the worth of my house
I am now waiting for the wind
who finally tracks run
but only električkas
boggle at night makes the waiting room
the worth of my house
[ Poetry ]
border rivers

It is possible that robežpuķes -
All the Rubicon, counters -
Pārbirstas. . . Or, soups
Izmalstītas. . In the longer study -
Horizons were under your feet:
Gorge, abyss, ravine?
In the ordinances we went -
Seeing their horizons
Where fitting in - behind the sea,
Behind the forest, followed by love,
And that it has sometimes the cage,
And that it has sometimes Vila. . .
So we went -
despite himself under the feet,
Only drops of shaking
Off of his pants -
This black, now white, now red. . .
[ Poetry ]
hard sarūpēju death. Well I say, live alone. The story of confused here. Where to go and where to run? Why are half a lifetime trying to stretch the bags fall victim! Own life the very center of the Mind gumijnieki sinking.
[ Poetry ]
My face is now cool -
From the ice cream cabinet.
But as their passion tore,
Males nails kārpīt kārpija!

My face is now smooth
Since the pants machine.
My face now - autumn.
Cairns Civic milk just splash through the veins.

My face is now one
That can show honor occasions.
Nothing in it is not to say.
Just a little crooked mouth.
[ Poetry ]
drags the blood calmer and calmer,
them with a rod to know how to mince,
staujums long stream spray severable.
Drags the blood calmer and calmer.

Stellar Rays had only kindling,
Sun in the sky - unknown and unnecessary.
[ Poetry ]
Now the sky as the sun burns,
Slowly, slowly, the heat go late.
But do want to wake up in the blood -
Then, when the sky as the sun burns?
[ Poetry ]

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