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Poems / Poetry

Page : 13
Fun fish eyes
Flash of silver scales,
Flash of silver scales,
Full boat Sudrabiņi

Full boat Sudrabiņi
Call at my own bank,
Call at my own bank,
And I nagloju boxes.

And I nagloju boxes.
No longer scales into your eyes,
No longer scales into your eyes,
Black water alone.
[ Poetry ]
old Wood, bark smagibiezu.
In him biting his heart?
Two more floors to go late.
Tree with a dull knife Velga fog.

. . . When they undress, then saw the glow
Cut on the chest and heart sarkanota.
[ Poetry ]
Under-eye boots as apple puppy cries. The eyes to make? They walk in his way. I am still in the clouds by the hair grass wolf, but illusions circle time in a white linen. Cluj klermenis as cornflower zilgs the pipe incense, from what the cup is drawn, is the soul of a horse, but not a great horse, and in front of a thousand neklāstītu way. Or pigs are slaughtered in the yard? No, my growth. But IMPLIED easy that I just for laughs. It may be that pain lielsaimniecei column. Only a slight overhang, where the sweet repose after asartraukiem crowded table.
[ Poetry ]
How fucking tear down the street!
This driver is drunk!
Immediately you can see that the tears are unable to govern.
Or - have no experience.

Beneath the wheels of tears pakļūt
Now is the chance for each.
The smallest error
And - disaster.

Damn tear,
Cursed the driver,
What drove me to the devil
Exit to the street.
[ Poetry ]

Just tell me stories
I do not want others to hear
Tell how green clowns
Riding horses on the river watered.

Remember something about ghosts
Witches and evil spirits,
Devil categories of animals, infernal torment
And the stars on the tail rays.

Tell me about all the dangers,
What stands in the way Princess,
And what kind of bright skewers
Baked travelers want.

All fairy tales would tell me stories
Which is not at,
Prior to the life, open vāztās,
Our blood drains into the ground.
[ Poetry ]
Who you, a citizen, no longer send their -
With the alarm clock in the chest.
What your dreams are no longer wake,
Your dreams, the dreams stopped showing.
[ Poetry ]
come alive instead of excitement
And claims to be safe for life.
Your roots are already flying in the air
And leaves deep in the earth gumst.

Naked excitement - and life notvīkst canals.
And nobēg aside, and his clay-served basis.
And now trying to withdraw back
Where the excitement will rise to four feet smooth.
[ Poetry ]

Here, I\'m going down the street.
Here, he goes away.
Here, I list of reading material.
Here, among the angels sing.

Here, I live on.
Here, he died targeted.
Here, I gets into clay.
Here, their stone picks.

I go, and life Pluk,
Plai as eternity here.
[ Poetry ]
Why is this dank evening
I do so often Nepakaros?
And tonight as three times
I žņeugs loop neck and VIS
Something should be ten times
I hang with all my heart.
Are you sure fate anymore Do not sink
And the bright glow rēnāk wounds?
No, everything is fine. The old way
I feel in the mouth toad rising,
I just piešāvies it tomorrow,
To tear the soul can not be carried.
They Scenes komplekšainās
Against a still-life change
And so dank evening
Longer nenorimti nepakaros.
As the moon toad jumps in the mouth.
It is possible that getting old.
[ Poetry ]
our countrymen

I\'m a fly-countrymen,
And in the winter it is a huge pleasure.

Behind the panes roaring frost and snow,
But the flies safe step makes
On the nose and parketkloniem.
I would like to be their role,
When ieziemots is from Riga
Ice panes and flower sleep. . .

I\'ll fly the debtor,
In the winter, I revel in the joy
With some noble
And neskumstošām flies.
[ Poetry ]

While the irony differ
Flowering boatman,
Shore fly one died
Swan song singing.

So they decided
Ķiparvārdus to tell
From the tears - can not be carried.

Moment of oars in peace making,
Sang the boatman:
\"Fly in a beautiful,
TAV dzīvībiņa small
Quickly placed sudrabspārniem
Families across our garbage. \"

. . . And it captures the oars again,
Fly velos removed,
But their songs crazy
Izsusēja irony.
[ Poetry ]
another magician
I robbed the joy

of his drum I was
Three gaceles and naked mermaid

from the bosom of the izdabūju
three rainbow ugunsdūju

and anyone with darbaprieku
Pluck can magic

but once at my door ring
one comes and prays apzodz me

oh you\'re a normal human nude as a fact
and I still do not see anything to steal from you
[ Poetry ]

Environmental containers, turn of the environment,
environment among the forehead was
one thought fullest:
Riga - the environment, rather than strings,
Riga - square, rather than
House opened its ore laikpilns,
where the acid ant bites
Brawl bright eyes of the people.

Turn of the environment, the middle-containers,
minas feet of blue flowers
paving stones in the bud. . .
I will not do it;
otherwise I uzvedīšos,
before the dust pārvērtīšos
six beautiful wooden box -
neiršos of Riga coast
nowhere in the middle of nowhere away
Riga service irreparable. . .
[ Poetry ]

Through coniferous forests, across the river
Balins flowing along the way Snape.
Luxurious winds blowing in his face,
Funny the way so long as life.

The way to go - as short as a house.
Deadlock viz TĀLES charm.
Here, and therefore, kūpot years,
Balins flowing along the way Snape.
[ Poetry ]
corns look
[ Poetry ]

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