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Poems / Poetry

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A. The block

Can a woman - as feedstock
They gently overcast songs
Those sins big bonfires,
[ Poetry ]
what about that once my blood is running in the wind
the winds sweep away to thine and aglow descends over you
I\'m going to go
the asinstraukiem
the bottle maker
and he recites a few apples
[ Poetry ]

I ripped out the window to the house
And worn everywhere with him,
Because she is sastindzinājies
That evening, the night and this morning.

I am going to die, of course, under the fence -
Shoot exact time range.
Even the last hour of me aptaurētam,
How to burn the candle at the head of the window.
[ Poetry ]
nesatiksimies. But our death
One day meet.
They divorced yet, and two lifetimes Touch
Sies together.

Intertwined to the death of our lives,
To do what we could not!
Two more lives at the banquet tables divorced,
But two deaths
Pushed against
One chair.
[ Poetry ]
your eyes

When the white masters Kreimenu
Begins to appear green little devils,
The sky Straupe
They are sent by God.

And journeymen alone
Then they blow the breath of mirror of the soul.

So strange eyes are full of Riga.
But not so strange pretmetīgu!

With only two expressions -
What are the mirror of the soul?
No trace of halftones
Flowers, oglītēm.

While the mist to come -
How to enlightenment!
It is simple.
[ Poetry ]

How to behave in the sky the stars
It will behave once you do.

And the stars
behave like small children -
colic all
that happen at your fingertips.

You see -
redzokļiem fucker
go it
by a man called.

You behave like a star
when you
a woman
[ Poetry ]


Your subconscious movement. . .
All the clouds - the stone for you.
Who is the god that you neiedevis
Movements of passion, loudly expressed. . .

These are three of the waters known.
Aspen soul rītvēju given. . .
Deep iron, which is translated into
Passion openly inclined knife.


Across the meadow, behind the windmill,
Where māllēpeņu that thick -
Aizstaigāsim to your freshness,
As long as someone has not yet arrived.

While still in the wild freshness of rustling
And no there has not appeared,
Sparse Alksnāja leave the craving
Life to suffer.
[ Poetry ]
Sweet embowel minute,
Goggle plate;
Warm and guldzoša depths. . .
Along with the birds gliding your hair
Across a flammable coniferous forests. . .
Neaizvelcies closed,
Minute self-conscious,
Moments still brings me guldzot. . .
Raindrops on the window glass -
Silver bells,
silver bells. . .
[ Poetry ]
Another abnormality is not cluttered up your beauty,
Another Parets Ābeļzieds you fingertips festering,
But whites have been slaughtered. . . And as you land - naked
And have a beautiful freak. . . As Ābeļzieds - the cross. . .
[ Poetry ]
at the lake

outsiders waves
bank entrance prohibited
one wave of incessant rain, however, pass
walking on meadow

boats saož the wave of smell
and anxious sarosās barns
but the wave flee into the rye
and comes out on the highway

drink the tears from your
damp smoky eyes
infinite sea salinity
gone from tears

my lips
quench ezervilnis cool
while at night we will pick up
[ Poetry ]

And your skin throughout the night snow
On calls by red, warm tongue to silence.
And hand pain bridējām to jāiestieg -
Only so long as the clouds it wants.
[ Poetry ]
on the blade as a wing dazzling
I am here tonight with you atlidošu.

You spiny flower, flower nenodrāztā you,
As razor YOU LET soothe themselves.

How will hackneyed - the truth - to be
This sun puķainajā ---------------------
[ Poetry ]
in your hands

No, the ship does not love to play. Severity
They stuck to the light wave matches.
So hard rock calling my coast,
In thy light rock, light jūrassmagā.

It neizplēst surge of living flesh,
Every three dark depths smagme three
And the lines on the palm - abrasions
The rock studded, hurricanes, and seeds.
It\'s hand sailors, so your light hand.
[ Poetry ]

Jeans and a sweater - well,
But the sea guldz
Trīsošs and undetectable.
Šalcošs - free components:

What river and bleeding,
Pools and gullies
Precisely in what order
Sea water supplies?

Height living curbs
As her soul rustles!
And you waited in vain,
That the level of white
Glīzdainu tert pass.
[ Poetry ]
shore atskaldījies coast
the violets izdīgst suit
Coast of us may get

or he pretends to ship
to which natroži as earthworms
it can not tell

maybe he pald as an ordinary bank
but the wind blows away the unusual
no wind

maybe its our long drives
she cast the recently
silent shore

and misunderstood us may get away
from the coast atskaldījies coast
as a man
[ Poetry ]

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