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Poems / Poetry

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fashion slave, žvadz your luxury chains,
You slave sockets, where the proud wings savāž
The spirit of the time. Glory to the model,
In the spirit of the high houses serve warm.
[ Poetry ]

The storm has caused the storm.
Perhaps more of something.
What it creates for convenience,
Which, of course, sounds pretentious.

But what I tell you what it means -

I have known one oasis
There mowers mow
For foals snacks roses.
But they have roses on spits.

But we started to talk about the storm.
And the storm is long, well-established value
How skaistvārdam, of course,
What broadly spiritual climate of our decorated.

What a precious - it is convenient?
Without a doubt, that doubt.
As a seagull without raincoats
Flying back into the clouds.
[ Poetry ]

Nature advanced on us,
Even the more modern fashion.
dog cut mushrooms
Can not become obsolete or wear out.

Joyful hat pulled birch
Šalcošajā in his head,
River Undine flying without
Tailor all prizes.

If you\'ve got a stitch,
Pašuj yourself from debesjuma
Maybe something natural -
This, after which we never sad.
[ Poetry ]
Classic Poems

Put the Scarecrow as a robot
As a horse robot vehicles are driven,
You star dūrainīšus mauc,
With the smell of clover under a spell.

As long as the god of the moon cow milked,
Slauktuvi served on you heart
And the silence of not hearing this,
What city is called irons tongue.

Coming in late watered their horses,
You only late mare to ride,
Alone can not persuade the laundry
Let him kumeliņus torture.

You will shadows trail,
Behind him to leave himself,
But metallic zviedz your machine,
With silver-covered mud.

His new body quickly pašuj
And soul of ash nospert,
If not - then this world Osti
How nēzdogu with French breath.
[ Poetry ]
held to tough times; stars
not turn the fingers Adzuki edges ship
nepeldēja forward, and the sea
was aizaudzēta grass.
If you broke a bottle - fragments
aizripoja the glomerulus.
Fractures existed only in theory
and did not include
university programs.

Was that the eggs,
had hens and cocks.

Time prognozisti
rose in ūdensgāzes.

Iežņaugts bursting between two moments
held on tough times.
[ Poetry ]
When all the birds I walk,
Roasting feeble chain ravenous fatigue,
Wingspan and I feel as watts.

How kantorkotidori flower stalks
I accepted. They atstāstīšu you
For a handful of home, of how I live life.

There will be other people, land exercise,
As a roofer they will attract you to the sky,
And steps atbalsosies flower cuff. . .

And after them, I walk the dog.
[ Poetry ]

It is an angel that flies from fields in the future work,
daiļslidotājs to skate through them ķeizartaukiem frames,
it\'s vodka, hell potion, pour Apriņķkrogā,
Indriķis, the blind, his heart open button,
skolniecīšu the mourning for the unwavering tongue
(The blind - rather dumb),
It is difficult to blind his wife freely kaustīt,
Blind do not see (?) Sorrow, grief across the country,
Blind disappears times, I can not remember its progeny,
literary heritage blows away the winds of oblivion,
Blind speech does not feel the weight of recent articles
she zings neielīksmo \"Minuet\" musicians,
Blind people do not see your blue eyes long,
Blind word has been said, however, remain unspoken.
It is an angel that flies from fields in the future work,
figure skaters who skate through them ķeizartraukiem frames.
[ Poetry ]

Pour into a mold Veidenbaum name,
In order to meet the laundry-style pattern. . .
You play, boy, you heal the girl,
I Veidenbaumu!

Elektroģiskajā joy
Time palsenos rend the veil ---
Or you do not seem (to me it seems)
As all of us once ieģipsēs,

If Veidenbaum Comm
One pair reizītes year
When Kalaču bath
Spirit Peras svadabs.

I\'m not talking about kokles.
I\'m talking only about
That not only the harp - but in the future
There Veidenbaum face.
[ Poetry ]

Sarkanoti osier weave
Here, just around the pines Raina.
Snow is not warm, not cold,
Who now owns the pines.

Belongs to the people, saying, guide,
Bad idalgo Daugava.
Also, Rain - pines to.
It - the highest of salaries.

Your penny ieripo
At the highest salary.
Capitation eternal
Pay Dundaga and Valka.

Sarkanoti osier stands
Here, just around the pines Raina. . .
Their pine pocket
Looking for intelligent poll.
[ Poetry ]
when he stabbed one of the streets in Old Town
from his wounds
dripped rowanberry
and Krasina pavement
just dying himself, he exposed the
cherry stone the gravestone
[ Poetry ]
This means that stars of sand pouring,
When the warm beach under our feet are doing,
With a glance pārstaigājams. . .
There\'s an old salt ugsnē star dies.
[ Poetry ]

Ugly Duckling, as you stitch
Consequently, you will become a swan by the mile,
Ugly Duckling, poor Tarbes,
Property which shines a gentle and harsh,
You\'re in the bag yet, but the soul is not awl,
Triep of the feathers, the ugly duckling. . .
[ Poetry ]
How come hither from the mountains.
We didn `t know the air,
Air - the Himalayan bear.

Drunkenness, their inhalation.
We thought - there\'s flowers in carbon monoxide. .
Gone away? Died?
You can not know. Do not know.

Too rarely, this plain,
Unexpected and unrecognized,
They were a mouthful of air. . .
Was he pleased?
[ Poetry ]
dry and painful bees -
Swarm. Swarm again. And Swarm. . .
Passing by in desert
Garāmstaigājosš rietējums
You are jāizkliedz the wells.
[ Poetry ]
virmoja air, and the room was
I people. But then her face
We did not see. We saw then.
Once the door opened outward.
Air virmoja and fast Trud odor
Floated around the room light moth wings.
Are we feeling? I do not know. Maybe.
We made sure the old year floors
What sagumuši walked around the room
And whispered in dark corners.
What are they talking about? I do not remember anymore.
We tried to say something to them.
They did not, and tacit
We walked from the room, where ever
Vin vibrates the air and people can not see the face.
We saw her. When? Thereafter.
[ Poetry ]

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