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Poems / Poetry

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I will tomorrow meet with pleasure.
Can you explain to me, as a result.
We divtulībā nesatiksim
It is all in all it hurts.

Often took delight in flesh enchanting
I think of sweet snare sies.
The shot with soft music\'ll shoot him
Those that are outside the window vazāsies.

Oh, what fornication stigšu
Tomorrow it with pleasure, I!
Unless the coffin of the field will be,
Today mourners carried.
[ Poetry ]
I spoke with violin
The violin, which he lives,
And deep into the daily life trivia
We pakavēja tough time.

I fiddle everyday stranger
Its daily habits
Is carrying a violin-cases
It is the same as a lead walk the dog?

Can she catch a cold
And sicken with French ailments
Or violin Ethics
It is free from the ancient links?

Have a long horizon for violin
The bottom line is followed by a sinking ship
And if she has a cheap wine is poured, -
It breaks a bottle against the pavement?

And was that a violin judge is
If you are talking about violins physiology
But the rest can be surmised only hints -
How your soul, passer-by.
[ Poetry ]

bunny pastalas my legs
quickly flows along the road house
Since the blood flows through the wire
as soon as I find his pakaļdzīsies

the ceiling of my house
harder than hardware nuts
nepārcirst and nepārkost
Zela Sirdspuķīte ost

bunny pastalas my legs
Osnäs traces of the war home
[ Poetry ]

Total Distorted Rose
You fingers crimson baskets.
You did not know a rose baskets,
Where the abrading silk canvas.

Rose is not a fixed there.
Its a long long search.
Once upon a rose-wave dunes dune,
But now Smiltiņa Zvilna worms.

And the roses themselves pārgrozīs,
While the man dzīs feet.
[ Poetry ]
beast viper in mid-air
heavy iron yarn dressed
Eyes greenish kaisals
glass teeth nerves picks

It is a very great deal of attention on your part, cinijamā viper, because I already know how all likteņērgļi not intended, and sometimes sufficient wasp ore, which circulates in over his head and body, soul collection, but not - as important as you judge, living in air viper , and the fate of the tang incessant rain water - that\'s exactly how I šolaik occasionally somewhere somehow kautkādējādi missing.
[ Poetry ]
I\'m a rag - but silk.
Šļaukst people\'s souls on the floor.

One comes in and spit out the soul -
I wiped thorns puddles.

What hurts silk, it maybe sore bag.
But floorcloths ing went to the f
[ Poetry ]
him think a caterpillar.
Butterfly fly - fly idea.
In the future he will come all fours,
But then fly remote areas.

Caterpillar turn into a perfect,
What can be achieved unless all fours.
Star shining and distant
Gold gallows hang

Your dreams endless. .
Become a caterpillar dialectical -
Crawl the whole community house
Their future work in return.
[ Poetry ]

And no longer having to bear
On Earth, the funeral lilacs and roses.

But the death of this evening
It is a nerve.
As his scythe in there!
It can cut yourself in the face.
Does she pray for us
Dzedrā mournful old woman?

You see it is.
Death can not live without people.
She dies
If humanity is lost once the go.
And as we
His only life-loving,
Solar life even death wants to run.
[ Poetry ]
Maybe, maybe

There is no species of solitude in my backyard,
Already pirmlaikos the collectivized.

Of all - his great loneliness.
It leaves humanity on the streets Rukši sky.
[ Poetry ]
White Tiger DELI ZOO

It had a dream so glamorous -
White tigers in India to see!
. . . Why, the white, he hastened to dabble
Daughter dress, and the genius myth?

Beast so bestial genius getting into the cage,
In the zvēries never neatdzīs us. . .
Who we are, creatures nenokostā,
Which we are on top of a lustrous disdain raining?
[ Poetry ]
Today I look into sentimental movie.
Then I am going to advance.

(Here I go out. And the sky is full
Iepriecinpšiem clouds.
Pine is blue, and a sissy dress flies
How my life is unprecedented. )

Because we so rarely happens that the idea for the future come true
Precisely, nekrāpjoties!
Although the future - just the movie.
[ Poetry ]

Through the beautiful Riga Canal
Flying cradle white
There, there was a steering wheel
Standing in the infant as stately.

Wind inflated pink trolley
They - the best sails,
And water depths scary
How daggers fish las.

The beautiful Riga Canal
I stand on the precipice
And looks at how infants
Torrent swept away the time.
[ Poetry ]

cause the nose as in the past school days
Nostalgic and gesture as time rozesskaists
mourning willow green jade three entering
take bizēm behind and do not miss a call
[ Poetry ]

I\'ll be in the clouds, I will not be here anymore,
When pink jade deposited buse
To Cairo canvas of bare despite inclinations.
I\'ll be in the clouds, something would have to be the site:

Sparkle diamond smelling haystacks,
Fireflies light and air, pos,
And do not want a woman to take care of their
This drives izslīpētā haystack.
[ Poetry ]
Children under age 16

Sky, rocks -
What is this, kids, is it?
They have this cards aunts eyes
Which may lead to death.

VARs and need. Beat children
Minerals such
Forget the nonsense about land leukemia,
Think about the sky.

All the aunts uncles because
Astray and roads are falling.
Anyone out there surprised that this article
Aizstreipuļo April.
[ Poetry ]

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