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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Email : info@eurika.lv

Poems / Dictums

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obsession to be used as a shield rather than a sword to hurt others.
[ Dictums ]
good education makes people better, bad - worse.
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Knowledge is a treasure, but the storage key - practice.
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Nightingale cage can not sing.
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If mankind will probably re-evaluate the current crisis on the ground, it is because the majority of people now think independently.
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woman is more capable of specific ideas, not on generalizations and distancing. Her curiosity is focused mainly on the facts and details.
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. . . hero - a man who at the critical moment
doing what people do in the public interest.
[ Dictums ]
moral decline of the nation -
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An expert is someone who does not think anymore, he knows.
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What if people do not love the man, then it is
do something for the people.
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Half the world\'s people have to say, but unable to speak, and the party is not to say, but they are always talking about.
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a young age I always turn away from radicalism fear that old age would become the conservatives.
[ Dictums ]
jury composed of twelve
people who get together to decide who
lawyer is better.
[ Dictums ]
hard working eight hours a day,
can become special boss and then work
twelve hours a day.
[ Dictums ]
world is full of horny: some willing to work, and others want to allow them to work.
[ Dictums ]

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