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Poems / Dictums

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whole problem is that people find their customs, or, as now they say, \"life\" of only correct and, if not aloud, then silently condemns all that different.
[ Dictums ]
chest while women have some spark of maternal love, it can be a very bad woman.
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Crime rarely remain undiscovered. That\'s what it is, are likely to lose more than gain.
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When the gods take account of people\'s prayers, then soon all the people die constantly wishing evil to each other.
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Philosophy is an activity, which makes it a happy life sentences and dialogues.
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man who exudes affection of the public, there are more than a thousand relative worth.
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Human prison is where he is against their will.
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What not to do, do not do it even in thought.
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Smart struggle with the passions, the fool becomes a slave.
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The nature of evil in the world is like a target: it is therefore set to miss pašautu.
[ Dictums ]
whole philosophy contained in two words - treated and atturies.
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Do not call himself a philosopher, and, being among the common people, do not talk much about the philosophy of teaching, - acted in accordance with these teachings.
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common principles - and you do not need advice.
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not such as to kidnap a free choice.
[ Dictums ]
If someone has a dirty soul becomes dirty and whoever tampers with him, even though the same may prefer to remain undefiled.
[ Dictums ]

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