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Poems / Dictums

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I\'d better be the devil himself in union with the truth than the angel of the union of lies.
[ Dictums ]
goal limits, but the limitation is the teacher of virtue.
[ Dictums ]
Crystal brilliance turned on by the senses, the mind
only interested in kristalonomijas laws. Intellectual
object can only be reasonable.
[ Dictums ]
Virtue is nothing but a true, complete common human nature.
[ Dictums ]
inability to find comfort in the love of truth.
[ Dictums ]
What yesterday was still religion, and today is no longer such, and that seems atreisms today, tomorrow will be about religion. It is changing the world.
[ Dictums ]
God is a human mirror.
[ Dictums ]
horizon. How far your eyes, so far reaches of your being - and vice versa.
[ Dictums ]
Science is a species of consciousness.
[ Dictums ]
Music is the language of feeling, the sound is sounding feel which is passed on to others.
[ Dictums ]
borders that I am aware only of their own borders, humiliate, shame me, causing a sensation of restlessness. Therefore, to get rid of this stigma, of this anxiety, I limit the individuality of human beings makes the borders at all. What is not inconceivable, inconceivable to others - for something I be concerned?
[ Dictums ]
plague takes away the honor only to those who deserve it.
[ Dictums ]
word \"friend\" is all on the lips, but the real
Friendship is rare.
[ Dictums ]
Old love stainless, it dries.
[ Dictums ]
You can not expect the same religion paradise, come without the risk of all other religions to hell.
[ Dictums ]

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