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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Email : info@eurika.lv

Poems / Dictums

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The first condition is a wonderful honesty.
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We need to laugh and cry, love, work, enjoy and suffer, all the strings to vibrate throughout the expansion.
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man marries a delusion due to lack of patience divorce and marry again due to the weakness of memory.
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Esoteric, women who spend so much money: but they do not drink, play cards and maintained by women.
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horse in the middle is awkward, but the ends of the danger.
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in marriage two people most often not add up, and subtracting one from the other.
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Some people are so cautious in their judgment that they would risk to say that castor oil is intended for cleaning the abdomen.
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human effort to build his destiny.
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quiet sigh sometimes eloquently for a long speech.
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woman, just as a good strategist, never feel completely safe.
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remain silent happiness and misfortune can only be heroic.
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of life sooner or later be separated. But the glory is eternal, so - valuable.
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Never attempt to have an impact on a woman, otherwise you will have to do so until the end of their life for their upset.
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I\'m open minded - I hate all the same.
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If you have not made a success right away, try again. But then calm down and live it your way.
[ Dictums ]

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