Aphorisms about life
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Poems / Aphorisms about life

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Thoughts from words, words of evil works, the good news, but the thought does not become either honored or punished, Even though they are all caused by one way or another - to get the words and deeds.

thought the same resonance in the heart, as if we live in a blooming garden. Only the thing is true, that is natural. If something a little We will try to improve what we are excited, the whole charm will be lost. Dear Bo said: \"The sudden thought of it, which makes it enjoyable. Wind becomes pure when it is free to wander through expanses.\"

Nothing is as free as people think.

Few in our thoughts transcends everyday, but even fewer people who dare to act according to their own opinion.

Dome - flower name - opening up, work - the fruit.

one thought awakened normally arouse the other.

I think, therefore I am.

thought to be found in books, becoming your principal, but the thought that there will be the same - a percentage of it.

Human nature is found in his works, not with words, no matter how noble the thought had never existed.

appreciate the thought more about themselves only if they were positive.

Thoughts come and go, but the head must remain on his shoulders.

idea! Ambitious and worthwhile word! What else is human greatness is based on, if not the idea?

The other view is not interested in having your own opinion is not.

Any idea that does not tend to action is as a premature baby or betrayer.

place bright and clean thoughts in your mind, and build warm feelings in my heart - it can happen. As for the future - it comes by itself, and itself will bring what is necessary.

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