Aphorisms about life
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Poems / Aphorisms about life

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Our thoughts determine the value. Our thoughts are determined by what we own.

We thought the real mirror is our way of life.

some people\'s thoughts are so shallow that even the incorporation of their heads.

Saturīguma in terms of the idea can not be anything been lower on the concept of \"presence\"

Efforts should also be very troubling thought to figure out all the way and made the correct conclusions.

Say: is there anyone who has the day your mind is able to focus virtuous thoughts? It may be that there is one, but I\'ve never come across any such.

We are what we think, in everything you imagine. With our thoughts we create the world.

The idea of ​​an arrow, run objective truth, it can hit the point, but can not cover all the objectives. But the shooter is sufficiently satisfied with his success, to ask for more.

To be able to manage the thoughts, needs to fully recognize the power and importance of management and not just the believers to accept the claim that this is so.

idea is just another nosaukusm fate, so choose your own destiny. Love brings love, hate, hate.

Thought changing, thanks to the words that they speak for themselves.

The less thought, more like-minded people.

Great thoughts come from the heart.

Our value is determined by our thoughts. Our thoughts are determined by what we ourselves.

Deep Thought is always the beginning. Then they become commercial.

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