Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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There are people who at all costs wants to be at the forefront and to rise above the others. They only important one: to always be visible - as a bum on the market paaugstiājuma boards, they are still willing to step on the - on the stage, to the throne, to the scaffold - that only attract the eye of all.
trijādi friends: one - who loves you, others - who are indifferent to you, and the third - who hates you.
What is a philosopher? This is a man who makes laws for the work habits - common sense, to widespread perception - conscience and prejudice - the same view.
secret - it is just how to make the deposited property of another person.
Company adopted deaf people considered to be unhappy. Do not believe this iepotējusi vanity that whispers to us, \"Well, whether or not wretch! He could not hear what we are talking about. \"
When you see the theater sitting next to a man and woman who are not hard-wired with a single word, you can safely conclude that they are either not known whether the husband and wife.
role can only be something that is not ashamed to man, man\'s role may be useful to everyone.
woman, who herself being harassed men, quite soon due to the self-contempt.
woman like your shadow: you are approaching it - it moves away, you move away from it - she will follow.
some old woman\'s age becomes an unknown.
man waiting to be grateful, worse for the creditors: first, he presents a gift, izlielās with it, then charges you.
Hope is just a cheat, who knows how to lug us by the nose.
Visnederīgāk lived to the day that we spend without ever neiesmējušies.
mind sometimes causes us no less suffering and passion, in such cases, the people may say, \"Here\'s sick, poisoned by his own doctor. \"
Fool, which suddenly glorify clever idea gives rise to concern and confusion as well as horse cab drivers rip when it suddenly starts to gallop. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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