Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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free man is the hero myth. A real man, even if the freedom to live and dying into the depths of my soul is a slave.
who lie, or are, or will, or in appropriate circumstances, may be criminal.
queen guarded by a dragon, which devours anyone who approaches her.
Lies are not a quick dislodge the worm, bat and a giant centipede, which surrounds all humanity.
Whips bow down in front of more people than the genius of work ahead.
maybe is not the only measure of people and things, however, is and will remain a major factor.
there was no property and do not consider any of theirs.
most beloved prayer to God is love.
what you do, ask for advice from your best friend - selfishness.
nature man is a good mother, because they are fed, and ill stepmother in killing him.
life, just like art, is best seen with the eyes puspievērtām.
only ill-mannered man is always trying to play the role of the teacher.
bad music I know by the administrative tone. I ordered it to be fun or mournful, but I want that time to think about something else entirely.
What is death? It is joining the majority.
foreign borrowing money for some time, giving back to their own - forever. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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