Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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The youthful point of view life is an endless future, but from the perspective of age - a very short history.
healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.
Mode - the epidemic is controlled.
World history shows - if you banned a person to make unusual and even shocking ideas that will never be any progress. Ideas will never change, and the world in which ideas never change means stagnation, decline and decay.
worst sin against the people is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them, it is the essence of inhumanity.
develop their abilities, rather than what you like most.
protest against low-value work alone or raising society. The only way to make it intolerant of poor work, especially to show something better.
abstract. . . Every one sees what to look for, and hear what he wants to hear, and nothing more.
There is a perception that a person may not be too much, but it can happen - the difficulties likely to withstand much more than heavenly bliss.
you something and you see vaicājat \"why\". But I dream of something unprecedented, and I asked \"why not?\".
Wise makes us rather than the memory of the past, but future obligations.
Absolute honesty is just as absurd as the absolute temperature, or absolute value.
Nothing is worth the action, if it can not be serious.
Age is ju
are two tragedies in life. One is - to lose your heart desires. The other - they get it. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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