Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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wed sense to halve your rights and double your duties.
Just being alone, man is free.
Set up a monument to life means to communicate - do not hope that their descendants will not forget.
the population of enemies, then do not bother folks to show their superiority.
Do not tell your friend what not to know thy enemy.
provide the affection of people a lot more grief than joy swept.
Many people love themselves what the other hates.
Religion is like fireflies: to shine, they need darkness.
Philosophy is something vidējss between science and art, or something in the conjunctive.
Honor is external conscience, conscience - internal honor.
The main obstacle to the development of tribal people is that they will not listen to those who are viskautrākie, but those who speak the loudest.
If a joke did not hide behind the grave - it is the irony, if the grave behind the joke - it\'s humor.
Morning - Youth of the day.
Fortunes is similar to salt water - the more you drink the more thirsty.
Quotations should be used only in cases when there is not possible to dispense with foreign authorities. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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