Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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highest praise an artist - when we forget him, enjoying his creation.
Efficient actors are not bad role.
So you\'d be saying the woman ask for an answer right away, otherwise she nomazgāsies bath, put on a different dress - and all need to start talking from the beginning.
Beauty is a matter genius. Beauty is a symbol of perfection, just as it has the highest accident.
If someone says that you have a donkey ears, do not pay it much attention, but if you say the three people - bought a saddle.
public facility like the weight constantly fluctuates between two extremes or opposite misfortunes - despotism and anarchy. The extent to which it moves away from one social system of evil, equally close to each other.
Women naturally have to look at everything in life as a means of obtaining her husband; interesēšanās about anything else - just ērmošanās.
If there would be no women in the early hours of life, we will not get help, life in the middle - pleasure, but in the end - comfort.
falls on a legal basis shackles and restraint and become anarchy, the only man truly appears.
Among men born there is indifference, among women - an inherited hostility.
If truth is a Scandal, THEN That is a Scandal, But the Truth Comes to Light!
the first half of life is characterized by the desire for happiness, but in the second half - the fear of an accident.
man by nature, are ferocious, formidable animal. We know him only trained and tame state, which is called civilization: why we are appalled by his flashes of random nature.
given Mind Can Any substitute education, but education of Indigenous Can not Replace mind.
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