Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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Suspicion always lives in the criminal soul: thief seems that everyone has bush snoopers.
girls honor - all her wealth, more expensive than any other heritage.
Aizraujoties a jealous suspicion, may offend a completely innocent people.
passion stronger because of its sad end.
Anger - always a bad defender.
Do you not met a woman who would lack ready answers, if only it would appear that she has no tongue.
Jokes often proved prophetic.
Women are like roses: once thriving, now a mature.
I wanted to learn to recognize the women, it cost me all of my belongings and fifty years of life. But who is the woman - the final word, however, I do not know.
When the milk during boiling, switch over, the milk is always at fault, not the maker.
Chamomile - the more the term, the better it grows, while the youth - the more the wasting, the more it wanes.
When a person develops monolithic character, his words will never close to the action.
Our favorite songs are those that expressed the saddest thoughts.
If a woman is already upon us, then pacentīsimies make her better: that we will pay off. Woman leads us, then they create pacentīsiemies to perfection: the more they learn, as best we\'ll be. The mind of a woman\'s development is dependent on man\'s wisdom.
Will the human sexual characteristics, but common sense - eternal leader, the leadership and guidance to human will. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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