Various Sayings
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Poems / Various Sayings

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Power corrupts but lack of power corrupts completely.
it does not make old people, complaining about how today\'s youth.
What are aware that there is little, it does not know a lot.
Too many musical compositions ends much later than the finals.
Music should sound in every house, except my neighbors house.
is possible that a category of trusted friends only in the generation of friends who can no longer be on our competitors.
neatdarina good composer - he was stealing.
My music is best understood by children and animals.
idea of ​​art work is the same as an apple an apple. Apple tree blossoms of apple.
art man is more open and more true than in life. . . Artwork can be regarded as the most creative human internal mirror.
Life is the art of everyday life, but the momentum.
so-called modern painting techniques increased comfort and rush pasture, becoming equal in all the earth: with low nodding and folk elements.
. . . the benefit of the people working on it for the first year itself!
everything seems beautiful and perfect, or he can burn a desire for true perfection?
not enough suffering yet another witness joys! Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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