Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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call, unless the VNA is a real woman is nothing more than to be a man\'s ideal, the illusion fascinate him. Mother is a real ideal, fullest mother, perfect mother, but still not ideal woman. Woman\'s life in various tasks clearly differ from one another. Each task has its own morality and krietnības mayor.
woman flaunts a lot more than vŗietis, but just a flaunts her appearance, while is never embellish their intimate nature and never allows us enough to look at her character. Luxury and elegance, luxury and jewels, which the lady puts between himself and the audience, there is no other purpose than merely hide women\'s intimate nature, making it the most secretive, opaque and nesasniedzamāku.
The light should not endeavor to shine, and yet its rays all things shine in their special colors.
. . . Our world would be a poor cripple, if he miss this wonderful phenomenon, known as a wife, mother, sister or daughter. Each of these phenomena is a unique and admirable, it seems it is impossible to imagine anything better.
Irritant beauty seldom awakens love.
every house there is a silence, a woman brought with them. Although the man \"ordered\", family life, however, he intervenes only by accident, careless and formal qualifications. Home radiates the atmosphere of a mother, she from the outset wrapped in their children.
. . . women in all positions gets more radiation than the substance of her focus and intentions.
When it comes to taxes, the Patriots find itself.
sticks Bashing swill bucket.
Each generation consider themselves smarter than the previous and still smarter than the next.
Freedom is the opportunity to say that twice two is four.
of power is power.
People can only be happy if they are not considered a fortune for the purpose of life.
If there is any trouble, the men always seek to avoid them.
The world is not so many rich men, how many beautiful women they deserve. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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