Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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Life consists of cries, sighs and smiles, and sighs of excess.
Summer is the season of irresponsibility.
Many foreign shillings per pocket treated as a personal insult.
only where the woman is superior to man, is the role of women acting vodeviļā.
Also, if the world would have remained only two people and both would be saints, they would not be happy. One felt the need to try to improve the latter. Such is the nature of the case.
Religious belief is a wonderful excuse to do this beastliness.
man is īsmūža vessel digestion of food, he wants to enjoy life, but death takes him.
Nothing of what\'s important to know, can not be taught - everything that can be done by teachers, is to point the way.
Life is a wonderful adventure, and it is worthwhile to suffer successes and failures.
gentleman always in a minority. It is a privilege.
Only the flower, which we leave unplucked, does not lose its richness and flavor.
We advise on the buckets, but accept them drops.
Not a great role. Just one of the roles are slightly longer than the other, that\'s it.
past event that is waited for the appearance of new books or new opera, now - a new car model.
classic is the author of which is still quoted, but White does not read. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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