Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

Page : 21
I admire what filled his desk with a distorted dead body shape, which until recently was the movements of the voice of reason and endowed beings, and is used for the daily food ration.
Nobody will not eradicate and banish from his mind what neuzbudina. But we also excites vices, when we understand the sense in which evil and shame they do.
I do not need a friend who, dalīdamies with my views, everywhere I agree and nodding in my shadow makes it better.
gossips do not hear any, in the same speech without interruption.
stupid drunk makes a speech about drunk.
visļaunprātīgākajam fate ultimately concessions tirelessly philosophical courage to front - just as the city continued obstinate enemy pressure.
ingenuity is always associated with a rich imagination, but imagination HAS only real Analysts.
Policy mystery - to know the best time to tell lies, and the best time to conceal.
The French are rightly most people loving peoples of the world: they love to win, rather than blood.
Blank is our world, a tiny and unpleasant. Only thing of the past alive. It brought to life with their beauty as the heyday of roses and mirtēm. Shop makes the present stinking, ill. And all that is good and beautiful, the summit and ridiculed. Also, I\'ve become so fashionable that the situation upon his breast and say: this is the era of electricity and light. . . But unfortunately we do not have so much courage - to weep for our greed, and so we can safely laugh, then they list the images that are bothering us the beauty of the soul tricks.
. . . as long as mankind inhabited the earth will be living people, whose bodies have wonderful pārgrozības who see and hear, feel and nojaud something quite different than normal mortals.
Patchwork tangle of people, friends and enemies here together praising God. But how many people are flying figure of Christ for spiritual eyes, and of those who understand Christ evenģēlija the basics? Or purity of heart, meekness least these people here pretending to be a model of humanity and holiness, or here in the blind character is more than the Christ of the divine thought and effort?
Yes, the days of eternity - they all show a terrible cruelty of what we said about nice. Eternity song sounds are indifferent, the songs that people darinājuši. She spreads immeasurable space for a grand symphony of the world where the stars guided the giant fiery ball, which is like a hundred years in a jiffy and thousands of miles and a span. And soon will come a time where the studs on which I was sitting, there will be no signs.
Every once in their lifetime wondering loved, but to love and to love - oh, what do you the difference! Some heart breaks, but does not cease to love. Another contrast to forget soon, loved it.
of how small the role of God grants wealth, can spriet beyond what He has given people. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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