Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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Follow the Law: the words would be narrow, but thoughts - spaciousness.
Chance is a weapon of Satan, it is a trap in which he caught a woman.
Pride is a woman\'s armor. They are often saves the humiliation. Win a woman is not only to get her love, but also break the pride.
Laughter is the women\'s second language, which they often answer questions.
Fool he who consider themselves connoisseurs of women. Woman knew not God himself, but he otherwise would not be created.
If a woman is too much, and often regrets his transgressions, it means that sin has not lost her eye amenities.
healthy society always find itself a medicine for Their illnesses. The medicine from the government it will not help.
Women wear a painting, men - sculpture.
studying science, examples are more useful than the law.
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so we can see more and further than they can see.
I feel like a boy, that beautiful shells foraging shore when a huge unknown area around the wavy ocean.
Read translated means, because two people will never experience do not match.
tend not to be a smart opera - but people, being in their right mind, do not sing out loud, full voice.
ask the tough question is easy.
We are all on this earth to help others, why on earth are the others - I do not know. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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