Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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need to live like a game.
young man becomes a man when he is no longer nebrien puddles across the bypass around.
Who loves the high moral possessions, while remaining true to life. . .
A good product will always find a buyer.
Better witness is to be seen in a hundred who heard.
trying to see what lies beyond the distant seas, while despising all that is before their eyes.
No one does not hear complaints so patiently as those who deserve praise.
the easier target, since a weaker drive to achieve it.
Sudden death is the highest happiness of human life.
death of people in the immortal works, it is always premature.
amazing how high can elevate the human cheek, if it encourages even the smallest success.
man can do nothing, if you teach him: neither speak nor walk, nor eat, in short, he is by itself unable to do anything other than cry.
Spoofing love is worse than hatred.
to grow any bigger, the more we the people of his people Gaining a place in the family.
Nobody is so disgusting and no one is horrible and Lide and reptiles man\'s face! By its very nature moves toads and frogs, by its very nature - snakes and lizards, and the big giant crocodiles. But man crawls to his nature. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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