Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

Page : 19
With savvy, but for the lawless people are like the runners in the race in great run immediately after the start, but returning to expire, they start fast, but at the end of them all laughing.
Injustice is twofold: one - when your neighbor do the same injustice, the other - the injustice of others what do you, what is within your power neturies opposite.
Still do not know what exactly is justice, and for some or all about, whether it is with justice, are happy or not.
Reason vision becoming brighter, the eyes a darker top.
cildenākā and very beautiful art is the ability to run the country and home life: this skill we call for justice and self-control or moderation.
furthest from the law and order is a tyrannical and loving disposition.
Have not you noticed that there are people who are known as the unrighteous, but the wise details of his spirit, but is well aware of all that focused. Not to say that they have poor eyesight, but is forced to serve evil, because, as it sharper, more evil cause.
free man, there is nothing to learn as a slave. In addition, remember that duress does not make the challenges to be weaker the body, while the learned knowledge is not permanent.
of the unjust I say if he breaches a young age not disclosed, then by the time they come to light, they all ridicule and scorn them in their old age and citizens of the foreigners.
Virtue does not have any property. What it more or less honorable, it is more or less gain. To blame for the fact that choose Norn Ananke is not to blame.
fortunes of a luxury, laziness, observations, poverty - and vile abuse comments.
Claiming what you do not.
If we suspect we will be perfectly safe at the thought of examples from everyday life.
Soul eye is more expensive than ten thousand eyes of the body, because it only sees the truth.
Beauty is eternal, it is not designed to be indestructible, it is not subject to change, not destruction. . . All other things are beautiful because of its participation. . . It is a divine and pure. . . the most beautiful. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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