Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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One of our rules of the gods, one of our regulations to be followed in their orators speak, poets in their verses, - God is not the cause of everything. God is all good cause.
did not bring - Virtue fervor, coupled with the right mindset.
a barrier to existing or potential evil.
Unity is harmony, but harmony can arise from disagree, as long as it exists, would disagree.
of smart people there so much fuss and do not outweigh the need for workers and unnecessary things to spend more time than they peenījušas.
foolish just because a great evil that a man would not find a decent, neither good nor reasonable with yourself is totally at peace, because do not think that he would miss something, it would be the endeavor.
Some clever people are more dangerous than a wise judge unreasonable people.
If the poor and the poor are trying for public office because they do not have their property and they hope to robbery to be such, then a well-run state is not possible. Many want to be in positions, internal strife and discord condemns their own and undermines the state.
fate will force a tyrant to be the king, who, nevaldīdams itself, wants to dominate others.
We would argue that what you just outlined, it is true, if the oracle certified, now we are saying only that it is the most likely, we could tell.
Many honors the rich, brave, wise, because they all know the pleasure that gives honor, but to enjoy a view of the true nature of things, knows only the philosopher.
in the state for all citizens should be given every opportunity to enjoy just as much happiness as to their true nature.
learning just one attains knowledge.
is not easy to be immortal, which is made up of different parts, which was not united on the best arrangement.
you know, dear, can not deny the truth, but Socrates is not difficult to refute. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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