Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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no life - no man, no beast in the forest.
illusion to truth leads only one path.
small world, my dreams - large.
Childhood is me. It should be protected for life.
Repetition is the greatest enemy - the water that aiztecējis, the river will never return to the tree and its foliage does not try to smash into the ground.
artist has no age. Love is the youth. Hatred receive age and collapse.
most complex problems can be clearly expressing Latvian. Language of all nations are rich and do not borrow the name of the other.
Art is always revolutionary, it is in opposition.
Sensual statement shows things only from the outside, we come on - at the thought of revealing the nature of the phenomenon, and introduced us to the realm of law.
joint science and art is a quest for infinity.
Books - a company. Tell me what you read and I\'ll tell you who you are.
of life requires the impossible, it certainly pievilsies their hopes.
If the authority is not real, then crush the doubt - and the best they have, while if it is necessary and valid, then the doubts swirled hands, looked at from all sides, and will put in place.
wise and vigorously fighting to the very end, but nothing useful tukšīši without the slightest resistance to submit to his useless life in small cases.
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