Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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nation who fought for humanity, can not die!
Win a Coward Become the Heroic, but it\'s just a hero Even after losing out there proud Head Held High.
afraid of the accident, and fortunately not get.
Pavel Senator lords, so they keep speaking not from herself, but in his own words, so that each stupidity displayed.
destroyed many izūzijas. . . Forever love each other can only ones who never each other or not.
How many times logic is infinitely stronger than the voice of physical strength.
theater I most like moments where the lamp rupture - fence! - And suddenly life on the stage.
Painting is a blind exercise. The artist paints not what they see, but what feels.
Everybody wants to understand painting. Why do they attempt to understand the birds singing?
Everything has the right to change, even a painter.
also between people is more than a copy of the original in.
artists - novice understands only a few. Famous - even less.
[ Various speculations ]
artist is a man who paints what may be sold, but a good artist is a man who sold what to paint.
[ Various speculations ]
mankind longing for happiness never come true. Art has been trying and trying to fulfill them. But happiness is so little that it is not enough for everyone.
[ Various speculations ]
Silence has its own characteristics, but it is not true that silence would not be talking.
[ Various speculations ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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