Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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Life is - rather than the days that have passed, but the remaining memory.
We are too fussy, too fastidious betbūt it means to be painstaking.
has not yet been the case when the wise fool to love.
rhetoric embodied truth and beauty, but more often it serves evil, not good.
Every blow that we make in anger, after all definitely hit us.
only a pleasure for us, married people have to see two poor will not require to be entangled in th same networks as we do.
pen is a weapon, which is sharper than a sword clean.
rust corrode iron, so envy - the soul.
I\'m broke their chains, you\'ll say: Yes, just like a dog, after long efforts to break his chain and he was running away but pulled himself up on a long piece of chain to his neck.
Accept what glorifies rippled Rome, editing this weight incorrect pointers, not looking for myself anywhere else than within itself.
Or is it somehow does not apply to everyday life in the steel, iron and stone sinks, while the corks, bladders, and other such shoddy flying visbangošākajās sea water on top?
Until the estate, to live with the bath.
pessimists often just exaggerated idealism consequences.
How prosaic need to be a man, if he does not take sublime thoughts, walking along the beautiful girls at the dawn of the apartment windows
toadyism is not a difficult position, each villain to speak fluently, but to speak frankly, really, with all my heart and may have only a noble character. . . Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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