Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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will be quite strong and moderate another judge himself apspriedējs. Own success, he will count on his merits, but the profit of another accident or failure, he soon will be present with harsh words: the same fault that it came out.
Life is not a fight for life or death, but the fight for ourselves, by ourselves.
ears do not hear, your eyes do not see, hear, and see if the internal idea will take off.
We need a strong start and finish with a big temper. The force concludes only that which does not know how to work.
more stupid than a man Can not own themselve to Become the largest and Grief When Trying to take myself.
Death is nothing, dead as it is, not born.
happiness goes hand only intelligent people.
lucky day waiting sometimes brings more joy than the same date.
Love has a thousand aspects, and each of them - their light, their sadness, their happiness and their scent.
The more one knows, the more clearly and sharply he sees the beauty of the world where it never will not notice a man with a poor fund of knowledge.
unmarried perceive marriage more seriously than the married.
observation is a relatively simple method for studying processes. The observation gives what nature offers. The experience of nature but takes what it wants.
human life in the body is nothing valdošāka of rhythm.
scientific work is the essence of the fight is not willing to work.
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