Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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Justice without force is a weak support, power, justice is not supported, it is tyranny.
justice must be strong, but strength - just.
visspīdošākā grow tired of it when it retracts.
visnepanesamākā man is life without passion, performance, business. Then people feel about their futility, helplessness, emptiness and meaninglessness.
all the noise is based on the human desire to escape the same from you.
Selfishness is despicable, and those who neapspiež, but only piesedz, always worthy of hate.
All decent rules of behavior has long been known, it remains a piece of cake - the ability to dispose of them.
most evil rises from the fact that man can not keep still.
I wrote this letter longer than usual because I lacked the time to write shorter.
Love is composed of so many feelings about it you can always say something new.
It\'s good to be tired vain search for truth.
philosophy be a modest additive art and life. Only deal with it is just weird to eat only eat.
Losing the necessities of life than getting. Grain sprouting erased, if did not die.
will collect evidence for the emergence of ideas.
Science is not the fatherland. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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