Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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\'s desire for freedom is not a long apslāpējamas. In the end, they start to live and win.
large and small betrayals that I have experienced, I devušasit as a second life, without them I would not have learned what I can as I am.
Our life is like a powerful, free-growing tree. Wrong to hang the Christmas decorations, it is beautiful even without these ornaments.
theory, which is not confirmed by facts, is hardly a saint, who has not done wonders.
Everything is poison, and everything is a drug, it depends only on the dose.
Man is not a tree, that he should grow up, stay and rot at the same place where the fate of their establishments.
Absurd to believe that existence has a beginning, not the end.
Faith deepest source - the human fear of nothingness.
most severe of all tyrants is what a person decides to yourself.
man hates women who say what they think. Apparently there is no love, where you can say it all.
men must often call, they understand that you always think about them and want them to see, and start you on disdain.
the man being called the three qualities: beauty, cruelty and stupidity.
only thing men want from their wives, there is beauty, love, loyalty, devotion, thrift, thrift, and always smiling face.
man, if he be able to understand what the woman thinks, anyway not to believe.
Love is like mercury, it can be to keep an open palm, but not stroke cock in hand tighten. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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