Various expressions
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Poems / Various expressions

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One man has two homes on the street, it is worth.
Gold Rush - this occurs when Solveiga hall reveals a man with thick purses.
Man interested in women with a past: he hopes that history again.
atraidītie favorite would deserve a second chance - with someone else.
Tales izstaigājot, proximity becomes closer.
also rich in thought and imagination-rich fantasy man can scatter low and stay on the poor, if fantasy is not concentrated in a focused mind.
Artists influence and form a style, but pubika perception and makes value.
If the roots are weak, then pulled out of the ground, then swing them thought capable of such a crazy idea that accumulated as a centrifuge and the mind is completely detached from the feelings of the heart. Without thought, decorate, share and manage people through thousands of years, a person becomes repulsive and low.
Quiet, unobtrusive, and the unspoken thought of people are affected. Unspoken thoughts can not be disputed. Puspateikta thought to irritate and confuse.
The complex can be expressed in a simple idea, because it seems wiser speaker.
able public are unable to drama.
good theater is in the detail.
on the stage is wrong.
be naive not unscrupulous.
sufferers never consent. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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