Miscellaneous Maxims
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Poems / Miscellaneous Maxims

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as an ominous storm clouds when distant. Like the tomb.
It does not respect himself, to despise his spiritual leadership.
The truth is the old fallacy of ever-young, the old place comes a new one.
dog and it is unlikely that the west against the wolf, he still regarded as a higher creature.
The enemy we nemācāmies anything, and it is not that we could benefit. Accept the friend of all, the fact that we no harm comes.
Hear the sweet words and good deeds get is luck. But perhaps even more enjoyable is to say sweet words and do good deeds.
Love creates poetry, poetry gives eternity, and love.
been lower your opponent, the harder your struggle, lack the size to animate. There are plenty of opponents, which did better not to fight in battle with tarnish. Last one: not to fight at all time wins for you in your place.
to take a gift. But when you have to take, you know, that the penny you have sold the manor.
What work do not do it for a job talk. What work can not, criticize it works. What does work, it is silent, and work on their speech.
Free, free to be sick with.
which does not reach a small goal, it is necessary to take a goal and achieve it.
pleasure, but a stranger in the house grief, but their own.
Dream nepeļat! Dream is the benefactor of all: a dream i blind see, deaf hear i, i sērdzīgais is healthy. Only one fault - not the dream life. But let the dream of whales - he s own life and turn it into something good.
God has searched all over the world, sky and sun, and passed away in the air and light, fire and water, trees and kustoņos, life and death, but the least likely place where he was born, grew up and left - the human heart.

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