Miscellaneous Maxims
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Poems / Miscellaneous Maxims

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to happiness, because only it does not get that they do not expect.
Happiness may be a weak poison, plague - a strong sustain.
Strong, a gifted man to go his lonely way, know that your mind and your passion laws ļaudamies other big unknown forces of nature cries.
Men\'s all go to the knowledge of the woman of sensibility. A man true love that woman. A man logic, a woman - a boost. The man thing and act the same woman we love people, life.
Poetry is a distinct type of knowledge.
our only weapon and can never be quite clear and beautiful. Her power of goodness and richness, not nice words.
Women deeper personality - body, soul and beauty of detection. Man\'s deepest personality - freedom.
arts, sciences, literature, ethics has been more objective: to bring humanity and quickly forward, but to humanity, the humanity and culture.
old you are, do more than when you were young.
All of humanity is more than all the people together.
Mind is a husband and a gentleman whose wife there - feel.
mind judgments can not refute the stigma comes from feeling, not from the mind, feelings can be overcome with emotions, not the mind.
persecution and punishment threatened only honest person, scoundrel threatens just giving tips.
Posts driving on the highway power wheelchairs, iron horse, bloody axes, happiness flows through the path speedwell flower cherry twig in his hand.
forgive an insult - you openly offended, does not forgive - you secretly offended.

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