Miscellaneous Maxims
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Poems / Miscellaneous Maxims

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hates social life! Money is a problem, if they do not, and when there is.
Damned nineteenth century, damned upbringing: I can not stand when men are sitting.
Now the actor does not know how to keep quiet. By the way - and talk.
to film a bad film is the same as a spit away.
History teaches us that from the most unlikely to learn anything.
exams those who are not interested in complete response izprašņā those who can not answer.
first sip reinforces the health of the second leads to joy, shame, provide the third, fourth makes mad.
old wood burns better, the old horse to ride safer, more enjoyable to read old books, old wine tastes better, old friends are most likely to trust.
To lose weight, it is sufficient to waive only three things - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you are buying, so it is an art.
doctor can bury their mistakes, an architect - if only to process the wall with ivy.
. . . Love can not be taken as want - so giving.
We are all frail, without love.
strong, it wants to love, while behind him the mind of self-defense stops them, which is weak, it wants to become a beloved and pleased him even more.
clear nedziļa river - probably by his brush, as shown at the bottom of pebbles. My dear so deep, spaced not see the bottom.

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