Miscellaneous Maxims
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Poems / Miscellaneous Maxims

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Ignore people\'s judgments are not difficult to disregard the judgments of my conscience - not impossible.
program and the theory has not led to any great artists themselves, but rather the contrary.
road is long and there is no end in general. And if on the horizon, it seems as if already visible goal, then, at the approach, it will go the reach tales. But so long as the artist sees in front of goal, he is true to his mission.
married to art nothing will come of it, because the two can not serve as prophets.
. . . is a very sad thing to be far away, do not trust the people, without the most important documents in your pocket - no money.
Art always has something to stand up and stand for something. Can not be a middle way.
most gentlest, most favorite creature in the world - a woman. Her mind, her heart, tenderness and beauty is built so strong and so charming shackles that I sacrifice all my well-being to just stay in her life sabažots.
Suppress often need to decide - once.
bad is a decision that can not be changed.
ungrateful teaches greed.
false friend is more dangerous than the worst of enemies.
Abusers hates its victims.
Fate takes away the sense that it wants to ruin.
can not have something to another person something to lose.
ashamed of Their offense, it is doubly Guilty.

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