Quotes on feelings
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Poems / Quotes on feelings

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stranger abroad are indifferent, but a friend\'s alienation can break your heart.
No one path is not so heavy, so full of obstacles and slope as the path to the heart.
Skumīgākais our life is the failure to adulthood even forgets his youth.
hijack freedom means to prick the eyes, heart and pull it like a ghost hunt around the world.
No matter who you stop, but the important thing is the reason you keep going forward.
The longer she does, the more I like him.
Sometimes just have to forget how we feel and think about what we deserve.
allow people to rethink things and start a new life, but in a completely different quality.
In order to implement something in your life, imagine that it is already there.
I wish I could once again return to childhood, when my biggest problem was the missing bear. . .
someone telling you the truth, when an unknown reason, you start to smile and they think that I\'m lying. . .
The only useful thing in mathematics is that it teaches us the understanding that every problem has a solution.
They say that the word hate is of great importance, but they are lying with the word LOVE it, like it would amount to nothing.
Who would have thought that we are ever so much will want to get away from those people at the company ever so much aspire to.
It is not enough that you accept me for who I am. You should be able to accept what I am.

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