Quotes of the people and society
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Poems / Quotes of the people and society

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External conditions adopted the internal situation in proper flavor and color, just like the clothes we are not heated by the warmth of our own, which is by nature be preserved and maintained.
We love our children for the simple reason that we are creating them. But there is another kind of production, it is also apparent from us and are not less worthy: because that\'s what we are creating with spirit, courage, and knowledge is much nobler and more belong to us than what we produce tangible, these creatures we at the same time are the father and mother of our spiritual performance is much more difficult to reach, and if they are good successful, it causes us a lot more honorable. In our children\'s good qualities they have more than our merit, our role in a very small, while our children the spirit of beauty, charm and value is only our own merit.
Who needs external facilities when the flesh and spirit are in poor condition.
Memory shows us not what we want, but what it likes.
There is nothing so good or be stored in the memory of what we want to forget: the surest means something to keep in mind is the desire to forget.
his contempt for life is ridiculous phenomenon, since ultimately it is our existence, it is all we have.
feeling of security, insensitivity to pain, the soul imperturbability and the removal of the evils of the world does not provide any benefit to us if we get the price of death. In vain abstain from the war he who can not enjoy peace, vainly fleeing the difficulties he who can not feel the holiday sweetness.
Life is dependent on the will of another, death - only from ours.
Always keep your legs wear any shoes and be prepared to leave.
Sometimes good at the age of the first body, other times - the spirit, I have seen many examples where the mind has become weak faster than the stomach or legs, and this evil is the more dangerous because the sufferer himself, it is less noticeable and gets most intimate way.
death, poverty, pain as their main enemies. But who does not know that their own death, which is called from all the terrible things that others consider to be the only refuge from the torment of this life, the highest value of nature, the sole support of our freedom, the simplest and quickest means of getting rid of all the adversity. And just as some expect trembling and terrified, others will take more than Lighten up life.
Wherever your life ends, there\'s the ending. Life fitness is measured not by time, but with the skill to use it: some who lived a few, there are many lived; netūļājieties while you\'re here. Your life expectancy depends on their own volition, rather than the number of years lived.
sense requires us to strip the clothes become severe, and lie down when the legs are no longer able to hold us.
Failure to timely recognize the weakness and the huge changes in the expectations imposed by the very nature of both our body and soul and in my opinion, both are equally large (unless the soul is not affected even more), a significant number of men pazudinājusi reputation.
full health, we will never not feel it, the smallest of the disease.

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