Quotes for each day
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Poems / Quotes for each day

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It is best to start with each new idea - or can do anything a man happy?
How stupid do not learn.
I do not understand how to speak evil. If you want someone ieriebt, it is sufficient to tell the truth about him.
Most people are too dumb to be selfish.
moralize well, they cause disgust when moralize evil, they cause fear.
bar is not anything good, even if they run into him behind you.
People who strive for greatness, most of them are bad people: it is the only means by which they can endure themselves.
man who talks a lot about the merits, it is often visnegodīgākais.
Those who work sitting, earn more than those who work standing up.
ielaidies disputes with an idiot make sure he does not do the same.
Over the years, women increasingly rely on cosmetics, but men - a sense of humor.
bad government elected by good citizens who do not go to vote.
It is impossible to think clearly with their hands clenched in fists.
Love needs a lot less than friendship.
Artist and fighter are antipodes: the first is a healthy imagination and sick body, but the second body is healthy, but the lame imagination.

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