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Poems / Quotes for each day

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Women are by nature tiecamas counsel - never speak so convincingly as in cases where they have no justice.
When a man gets old, that can not be a servant, a gardener or a policeman, he is so mature that it can determine its own destiny.
biggest tragedy of life is the inability to love.
God that you can understand, there is no God.
When love and self-sacrifice combines middle-aged women in the heart of any power in the world will not stop their work as absolute lunacy.
average man in his lonely woman is not noteworthy, unless it is marry.
love the difference between a woman and man is it that a woman can love constantly, but a man - only occasionally.
. . . Life is a chess game in which one is always a losing battle. Table on the other side sits death, and every stroke she pretgājiens, for all your deep drawn up schemes - counterattack.
And where is death, there can not be anything more detailed, dishonest, or vile.
Enemies die, hatred - never.
People of the crime can be put in visnevainīgāko occupation.
their promises all people are alike. They only differ in their works.
jealousy expressions must be unbearable when the originator is disgusting we love.
Of all the things eternal love, time is shortest.
die only once, but for a long time.

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