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Poems / Quotes for each day

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Opera musical poetry should be obedient daughter.
die along with us, because it is in our head, but his head no one can deprive us of.
Fair talented person will always remain just mediocre.
Men watch and see, but the women look and see.
man need not be, which means futile waste of feelings.
Eager to survive what can not be changed, meaning futile waste of feelings.
The ability to quote the wisdom of accommodating an alternate.
time is so short that every hour residential, as if it would last.
charming people are undecided, with a weak character. Attractiveness is a weapon with which nature kompendē their weakness.
No one can be free, if not free of money-making.
Knowing the past is quite unpleasant, but know the future - and that would be needed.
People are so incurable romantic.
The world would be happier if people insist on not to act on the principles of confidence.
nine out of ten people do not want nature to heal, it wants to put him in the coffin.
. . . laipnas hearts are more than crowns.

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