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Poems / Quotes for each day

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Peace also has its victories no less brilliant victories of the war.
When we kiss the beloved woman, we can not be sure that she does not think of anyone.
To be successful in their work, well to remember these three thoughts - seeing is to know, want to Areta sense, means the acquisition of venture.
Everything unpleasant that the enemy can tell you in the eyes, the final detail salīdzinājjumā with what you default on the conversation of friends.
If you are a woman say that she is the most beautiful eyes in the world, she will make you see that the legs and hips she did not smādējami.
The experience of many produce casualties made known nonsense or experienced any trouble.
True love is like a ghost: visipar to speak, but few of which met them face to face with it.
If a woman wants to refuse, she says \"no.\" If a woman tampers explanations, she\'s waiting for him convincing.
Be kind to people in their upswing - you will be confronted with them, even when kritīsiet down.
I respect faith, but the educated makes us doubt.
When you borrow something from one writer, it is called plagiarism, but when the many, - it already is research.
The only thing one can say with confidence of success, is that it deceives.
One who is constantly repeated that there is no fool, usually for not fully convinced.
the aristocrat musical director can not come out, but the musical director of the aristocrat.
Heart cildenāku people do.

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