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Poems / Quotes for each day

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I am an optimist in the sense that I find the opportunity to do something to improve his personal existence and to some extent the existence of human sex.
the Middle Ages can be thankful for the two evil revelations: romantic love, and powders.
is not hard to develop their own opinions, just hard to stick to them.
discussion of their difficulties are not the expression of opinions, but whether it is the voice.
revolutions usually varies little. As in the past, honest people go walking, but the rascals driven carriages, but they have other rascals.
the people who are not willing to die for their freedom has been lost.
Life is pretty enjoyable show for as long as we have young.
archenemy of former friends.
Rudeness - it is a stupid joke.
Happiness? - Not to regard the failure of the normal disaster.
against nature should be treated like appearance. When there is a feeling, beloved fail to notice oddities, no wrinkles.
Men With Difficulty forgive and forget Quickly. Women Easily forgive, but never forget.
Stitch painful, but salutary. Jealousy is a harrowing, but it strengthens the feeling.
Love begins with the great feeling and ends with meticulous disputes.
A successful marriage is the building which need reconstruction on a daily basis.

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