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Poems / Quotes for each day

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All the world is a wonderful, beautiful, perfect, not God, but a human being created by the human mind.
Life is like a mountain - get up slowly, while the earth rolls quickly.
do not need to lie! So start telling the truth, and you will not believe.
ungrateful son is worse than another\'s. It is the criminals, the son is not entitled to be indifferent to the mother.
We know that love is stronger than death, but fragile as glass.
woman will be able to always iegrozīt a way that only a man, but VNA - innocent, despite the fact that the same man doing whatever they want and still claim that his men had paveduši.
Women around all the men from the drive off in his glory.
rumor is comforting to women who no longer loves and aplidotas.
Women can be infinitely reliable or, more precisely, endlessly intrusive.
man\'s love - no matter what he is - always flatter a woman.
man who overcomes long-term resistance to women, the highest value rather than giving in to her, but to his own perseverance.
Men believe that they know everything they want, women know what they do not want to know.
pinnacle of masculinity - all his life to love only one woman.
The man is happier because less attention is devoted to his happiness.
He who never alter beliefs, usually have no opinion.

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