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Poems / Quotes for each day

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while we\'re empty.
Big ideas are cruel.
years you will have an idea of ​​one, so that year is not lost.
There are people who we forgive, and there are people who we are unforgiving. The latter are our friends.
Freedom is always there. Simply pay a price for her.
Carefully select enemies. And friends - well, because they will become enemies.
greatest harm caused by unscrupulous minister, is not that bad, he serves the king and izputina people, but the fact that he shows a bad example.
History is full of wars of religion, but the need to distinguish between - it was far more religious blakuspastāvēšana that caused them, led them, caused by the spirit of intolerance that prompted the faith, which considered itself the ruling.
He who doubts all as a philosopher, do not dare deny the theologian, the controversial man is always happy with myself, unless it can reach agreement with others for the title, which he is entitled.
He who wants to force me to change one\'s religion, it certainly does because he would not change theirs, if it would force him to: a person regarded as strange that I am not doing that he would not do for world power.
each citizen has an obligation to die for the fatherland, but there is no obligation because they lie.
emergence of new sects in the country is the best means of correcting the excesses of the old sect.
Law should be like death, which would spare none.
People considered to be good people in society, often the only sophisticated in their vices, and in this sense it is perhaps just as with poisons - the finer, as poisonous.
. . . is more difficult than to humiliate destroy

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