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Poems / Quotes for each day

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useless is wisdom, which can not meet the general folly.
confess ignorance, in my opinion, is one of the most Reliable Evidence for the Existence of reason.
Who has a meager body, it does apaļīgāku with thick outfits, a weak idea that the swelling of words.
reading the works of various authors, not once have I noticed that what they called his writings about the greatness of spirit and soul, and much more indicative of a thick skin and strong bones.
tend to be defeated by the fame caused envy winners.
You want people to be healthy, balanced, mentally strong and stable? - Clothe their ignorance, indolence and lumber. We need to make muļķākus us to become smarter, we need to dazzle, to manage.
usually the last impression turns out the most powerful: mind not remain for more and better services, but those that have occurred recently.
ambition is the worst lonely life. Praise and recreation can not live under the same roof.
Kārtīgs man is a versatile man.
board navigator to meet its obligations while in the coast.
no suffering can not force the real virtues of life turned to the back: looking for the same suffering and pain as their food.
If we hate something, it means that very take it to heart.
lead rein horse, the walking is fun.
If we choose the headache before under the influence, we are protected to drink too much, but enjoy to dupe us, coming in front of us and hide effects.
disadvantages finds herself dievinātājus.

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