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Poems / Quotes for each day

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To understand how little you know, a lot to learn.
noble aim of this objective on behalf of the activities.
ambition and curiosity is the driving force behind two of our souls. Last us to shove his nose in everywhere, but the first does not allow anything left open and vague.
themselves miserable and nejēdzīgākās skills in life are those that put people some sort of fixed laws and cruel discipline.
Any time can be unhappy just the same fault. How can it help that has no stomach for either death or life, who do not want to not resist or flee?
true tips and prescriptions are generally perceived as if they would serve the people in general, not for each person, and instead used them for their virtues, people are very stupid and unfit for stores in its memory.
Every noble is associated with risk.
succumb to suffering means to show weakness, but to maintain them - madness.
Simplicity makes life not only pleasant but also cleaner and nicer.
If any man is clean simply because others will know about it and learned it, they will be respected more if anyone out good deeds only to find out about others, then it is not a man, from which you can expect a lot of good .
least hoped, that the crowd this horny monster, notice of humanity and gentleness, rather it can inspire awe and fear.
Do not you see how many honest people in your presence pour swill buckets, without prejudice to you? Do you think that other place you respect more than them?
If greed and ambition knows no boundaries, so is no limit debauchery.
Is it that the unhappy man who has become his slave fiction?
of the many things no doubt due to the generally accepted belief is never checked.

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