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Poems / Quotes for each day

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Good or bad events in life largely depends on what they put.
Good or bad events in life largely depends on how we perceive it.
Habit - the highest gift of nature, which numb our sensuality and helps cope with all sorts of accidents.
While the ban means to make it more attractive to our eyes.
Who is afraid of suffering, it suffers from the same fear.
The bad advisor and agitation are harmful not only to our sense, but a conscience.
Try to stand for the natural meaning of the need to show insanity.
When I tell about someone else\'s troubles, I laugh, I thought not prevent himself, to see how we\'re doing myself.
better to offend someone only once than to carry yourself resentment.
confess ignorance - one of the best and most reliable evidence of wisdom.
man never knows the Mayor and rimstas, only by necessity, when he no longer has strength to go on.
material poverty to help not difficult; soul poverty - impossible.
Wisdom is the ability to lead your soul, wisdom and moderation of vadaar with and responsible for it.
Know by heart does not know: it just means to keep in his mind the memory of that deposit.
truly learned men just as happens with rye ears: they are proud and straight in the column head while empty, but as soon as they are ripe and filled grain, they begin to bow and tilt head.

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