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Poems / Quotes for each day

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What makes tyrants so bloodthirsty? Fear for their safety, but their craven hearts do not find other means than the destruction of all the people who would place them at risk, even women - all of them capable of something a little harm.
masses are characterized by stupidity and carelessness, it allows itself to move in any direction and not in a position with the help of reason to analyze the true nature of things.
vain averse from war he who does not know how to enjoy peace, futile escape from the difficulties it is unable to feel the holiday sweetness.
In nature there is nothing inappropriate.
slavishly followed another, it does not follow anyone. It does not find anything, because in reality he did not seek.
Let nature take action at its own discretion, it is your job better than we know.
something strongly condemn as false and impossible to attribute his sense of God\'s will and our mothers - Nature - Borders majesty and not knowledge, and the world is more madness than to measure it with our ability and competence as a benchmark.
Childhood and senility similar to each other with the spirit of weakness and extravagance closeness encounter desire to increase their property.
I would like to think our devotion in honor of the king, that, unable to get what they want, they pretended that wanted to get it.
Legal action is a calm, balanced and controlled, so it is not appropriate for the fight against arbitrary and unbridled behavior.
Thousands of road driven away from the target and only one leads to that.
As soon as we do not have a real illness, lent science we own invention.
Philosophy has not been able to find a path to inner peace, which would be suitable for everyone - for every look the same!
The value we call rather than what comes from the things themselves, but what they put.
half belong to that speech, and half of what listening.

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