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Page : 62
nepiedien autumn day,
In the old grass fire through the rain švirksti.
Your language and laughter lighters each hopelessness brilliant sparkle.
Your name nepiedien autumn day,
In the soul, with the sun fingers
Gray day bright silver rose iesiesi ever.
Miķelīšu cloud
Name Your Teens
And such a beautiful autumn
You even neatminies.
to beat drums and blowing the game
Hooray called elections and happiness,
The whole world already knows -
(Name) name day celebrating!
over the mountains, across valleys,
Strike idea, saying,
This is a name day today,
Is greeted kindly from me.
Better my words has opened its -
I wish you to live in cool,
Porsche in the garage for five!
say it:
\"It\'s just mine!\"
To this day of fun to go -
We need to pour a glass of samp!
I have long BEEN this day forward,
For one, big smile,
Say a single step
I greeti you in the name day!
news articles
Bakstu computer button.
I want to welcome the Word of the day,
Something clever to say.
Read news and Smiles
And other news from the wait!
are looking for happiness,
Find it in your heart
Their hearts do what you love
Returned it to the second.
Name Day once a year,
Do not allow friends to stay dry.
All, the Mafia,
Calls for a coffee!
Take a good little row
which very few can say!
However, your name day,
allows you to kindly welcome!
neķer flies
drink wine, receives a kiss,
And to the heart become more fun,
eat a piece - cakes!
neķer flies
drink wine, receives a kiss,
And to the heart become more fun,
eat a piece - cakes!
today a great day for you,
Much more fun for themselves.
Friends greeted and apčabots -
Have a word today GODS!
I greet you this day,
What is your name called,
What is your mother, father has given
It is beautiful and so for you!

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Page : 62
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